Moving Forward


It’s been a hell of a year. I’ve lived in three different places, worked three different jobs, entered a new relationship, and started grad school. I’ve barely used any time this year to take pictures or make music, and I’ve hardly even touched an instrument in months. Hell, other than adding two or three photos, I haven’t even updated this site since May. All of the artistic plans I had completely fell through, and I’ve been left trying to find any sort of motivation for most of the year.

Well, I’m finally making an attempt at being creative again. Schoolwork takes a lot out of me, but I’ve been playing more since the semester ended, and I really hope to continue making time for it when the next semester begins. ‘

I do have some things coming up soon, though! I’m in the middle stages of a new cover/collaboration, and may actually be able to drop some new original music soon, as well!

I’m going to really try to start updating things at least SOMEWHAT regularly again, but I can’t make any promises right now, simply due to my state of mind.

Hope to see you guys again soon, thanks for being patient.


James Neal